Student Research

Student Degree School Title
Renee Crane MS Penn State An investigation of graduate student scoring errors on WJ-R and WIAT test protocols
Elizabeth Harwood MS Penn State Effects of low birth weight and socioeconomic status on children’s behavior in first and second grade
Beth Viechnicki MS Penn State Test-retest reliability of the Leiter-R and its relationship to the Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Joy Miller MS Penn State Representation of male and female characters in children’s illustrated storybooks
Tim Runge MS Penn State Phonemic awareness skills of preschool children
Miriam Pacheco MS Penn State Interobserver agreement in behavioral research
Heidi Bonfatti-Carter MS Penn State Readability levels of empirically validated parenting books
Linda Gerhart MS Penn State Predictive validity of the K-BIT with the WISC-III for gifted referrals
Christina Ravert MS Penn State Meta-analysis of factor analyses of the WISC-III among exceptional children
Laura Wyglinski MS Penn State Stability and equivalence of a test of phonemic awareness
Debra Young MS Penn State A construct validity study of the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire
Catherine Marcell MS Penn State A comparison of the factorial structure of the WISC-III for gifted boys and girls
Courtney Zoren MS Penn State Diagnostic utility of the WISC-III Bannatyne profile
Krista Turner MS Penn State Wechsler’s Block Design: Practice effects from WAIS to WISC-III
Kelli Pearson MS Penn State Internal consistency reliability of scores from students in Trinidad and Tobago on the Mountain Shadows Phonemic Awareness Scale
Ellen Borsuk MS Penn State The relationship between oral reading fluency and cloze scores among elementary school students from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Janelle Matesic MS Penn State The factor structure of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale in adolescents from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Sarah Gill MS Penn State Construct validity of the Learning Behaviors Scale with a sample of primary school students from Trinidad and Tobago
Rachel Neuhard MS Penn State Examining the factor structure of the Motivation to Read Profile among a sample of elementary school students
James Kuterbach MS Penn State Factor structure of the New Imaginary Audience Scale in a sample of female college students
Julie FitzGerald MS Penn State Parents’ rights in special education: The readability of procedural safeguards
Kasey Kotz MS Penn State Predictive validity of  the GCA from the Differential Ability Scales in the presence of interfactor variability
Laura Hankins MS Penn State Structural validity of the Homework Performance Questionnaire
Faith Miller MS Penn State WAIS-III factor index profile analysis for postsecondary students with learning disabilities
Amanda Fleming MS Penn State The relative efficacy of using WAIS-III FSIQ scores with significant factor score discrepancies to predict academic achievement of college students
James Stephens MEd Penn State A preliminary analysis of WISC-IV scores among students referred for special education
Tim Runge PhD Penn State The dimensionality of phonemic awareness among children at the end of kindergarten
Courtney Smith PhD Penn State Diagnostic utility of WISC-III profiles
Ellen Borsuk PhD Penn State Long-term stability of membership in WISC-III subtest and factor score core profile taxonomies
Joy Miller PhD Penn State The use of graphs to communicate psychoeducational test results to  parents
Christiana Ravert PhD Penn State

Construct validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Third Edition Freedom From Distractibility factor

Debra Coffee PhD Penn State An investigation of the structural validity of the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents-Home (ASCA-H)
Heidi MacDonald PhD Penn State Incremental validity of kindergarten cognitive ability, phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, and rapid serial naming on later reading achievement
April Fisher PhD Penn State Malingering in ADHD diagnoses of college students
Janelle Matesic PhD Penn State Identifying CBM writing indices for eighth grade students
Sarah Rochette PhD Penn State The relationship between parent and teacher ratings on the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents
Holly Perham MA ASU Quantitative training of doctoral school psychologists: Statistics, measurement, and methodology curriculum
Sarah Devena MA ASU Diagnostic utility of WISC-IV general abilities index and cognitive proficiency index difference scores among children with ADHD
Michelle Boehm MA ASU

Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition among students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Jennifer Planck MA ASU Anxiety disorder symptoms in Trinidadian adolescents
Lourdes Smith MA ASU Long term stability of the WISC-IV Full Scale IQ, index, and subtest scores among a referral sample of k-12 students
T. J. Gambrell MA ASU Convergent and discriminant validity evidence for the Homework Performance Questionnaire utilizing a sample of elementary school students
Selena Nakano PhD ASU Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition among referred Native American students
Tracy Strickland PhD ASU Structural validity of the Woodcock-Johnson III Cognitive in a referral sample
Lindsay Richerson PhD ASU Longitudinal factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition in a referred sample
Alec Brown PhD ASU The factor structure of curriculum-based writing indices at grades 3, 7, and 10
Kara Sujansky Styck PhD ASU Diagnostic utility of the culture-language interpretive matrix for the WISC-IV among referred students


| Marley Watkins |EdPsych Associates