Student | Degree | School | Title |
Renee Crane | MS | Penn State | An investigation of graduate student scoring errors on WJ-R and WIAT test protocols |
Elizabeth Harwood | MS | Penn State | Effects of low birth weight and socioeconomic status on children’s behavior in first and second grade |
Beth Viechnicki | MS | Penn State | Test-retest reliability of the Leiter-R and its relationship to the Raven’s Progressive Matrices |
Joy Miller | MS | Penn State | Representation of male and female characters in children’s illustrated storybooks |
Tim Runge | MS | Penn State | Phonemic awareness skills of preschool children |
Miriam Pacheco | MS | Penn State | Interobserver agreement in behavioral research |
Heidi Bonfatti-Carter | MS | Penn State | Readability levels of empirically validated parenting books |
Linda Gerhart | MS | Penn State | Predictive validity of the K-BIT with the WISC-III for gifted referrals |
Christina Ravert | MS | Penn State | Meta-analysis of factor analyses of the WISC-III among exceptional children |
Laura Wyglinski | MS | Penn State | Stability and equivalence of a test of phonemic awareness |
Debra Young | MS | Penn State | A construct validity study of the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire |
Catherine Marcell | MS | Penn State | A comparison of the factorial structure of the WISC-III for gifted boys and girls |
Courtney Zoren | MS | Penn State | Diagnostic utility of the WISC-III Bannatyne profile |
Krista Turner | MS | Penn State | Wechsler’s Block Design: Practice effects from WAIS to WISC-III |
Kelli Pearson | MS | Penn State | Internal consistency reliability of scores from students in Trinidad and Tobago on the Mountain Shadows Phonemic Awareness Scale |
Ellen Borsuk | MS | Penn State | The relationship between oral reading fluency and cloze scores among elementary school students from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago |
Janelle Matesic | MS | Penn State | The factor structure of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale in adolescents from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago |
Sarah Gill | MS | Penn State | Construct validity of the Learning Behaviors Scale with a sample of primary school students from Trinidad and Tobago |
Rachel Neuhard | MS | Penn State | Examining the factor structure of the Motivation to Read Profile among a sample of elementary school students |
James Kuterbach | MS | Penn State | Factor structure of the New Imaginary Audience Scale in a sample of female college students |
Julie FitzGerald | MS | Penn State | Parents’ rights in special education: The readability of procedural safeguards |
Kasey Kotz | MS | Penn State | Predictive validity of the GCA from the Differential Ability Scales in the presence of interfactor variability |
Laura Hankins | MS | Penn State | Structural validity of the Homework Performance Questionnaire |
Faith Miller | MS | Penn State | WAIS-III factor index profile analysis for postsecondary students with learning disabilities |
Amanda Fleming | MS | Penn State | The relative efficacy of using WAIS-III FSIQ scores with significant factor score discrepancies to predict academic achievement of college students |
James Stephens | MEd | Penn State | A preliminary analysis of WISC-IV scores among students referred for special education |
Tim Runge | PhD | Penn State | The dimensionality of phonemic awareness among children at the end of kindergarten |
Courtney Smith | PhD | Penn State | Diagnostic utility of WISC-III profiles |
Ellen Borsuk | PhD | Penn State | Long-term stability of membership in WISC-III subtest and factor score core profile taxonomies |
Joy Miller | PhD | Penn State | The use of graphs to communicate psychoeducational test results to parents |
Christiana Ravert | PhD | Penn State |
Construct validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Third Edition Freedom From Distractibility factor |
Debra Coffee | PhD | Penn State | An investigation of the structural validity of the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents-Home (ASCA-H) |
Heidi MacDonald | PhD | Penn State | Incremental validity of kindergarten cognitive ability, phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, and rapid serial naming on later reading achievement |
April Fisher | PhD | Penn State | Malingering in ADHD diagnoses of college students |
Janelle Matesic | PhD | Penn State | Identifying CBM writing indices for eighth grade students |
Sarah Rochette | PhD | Penn State | The relationship between parent and teacher ratings on the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents |
Holly Perham | MA | ASU | Quantitative training of doctoral school psychologists: Statistics, measurement, and methodology curriculum |
Sarah Devena | MA | ASU | Diagnostic utility of WISC-IV general abilities index and cognitive proficiency index difference scores among children with ADHD |
Michelle Boehm | MA | ASU |
Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition among students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
Jennifer Planck | MA | ASU | Anxiety disorder symptoms in Trinidadian adolescents |
Lourdes Smith | MA | ASU | Long term stability of the WISC-IV Full Scale IQ, index, and subtest scores among a referral sample of k-12 students |
T. J. Gambrell | MA | ASU | Convergent and discriminant validity evidence for the Homework Performance Questionnaire utilizing a sample of elementary school students |
Selena Nakano | PhD | ASU | Factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition among referred Native American students |
Tracy Strickland | PhD | ASU | Structural validity of the Woodcock-Johnson III Cognitive in a referral sample |
Lindsay Richerson | PhD | ASU | Longitudinal factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition in a referred sample |
Alec Brown | PhD | ASU | The factor structure of curriculum-based writing indices at grades 3, 7, and 10 |
Kara Sujansky Styck | PhD | ASU | Diagnostic utility of the culture-language interpretive matrix for the WISC-IV among referred students |